June 30. 2024 Juche 113
Second-day Sitting of Tenth Plenary Meeting of Eighth Central Committee of WPK Held
External Policy Office of DPRK Foreign Ministry Issues Press Statement
DPRK Sports Delegation Returns from Russia
Delegation of Vietnamese Ministry of Public Security Arrives
DPRK Embassy in Laos Gives Reception
Farmers in DPRK Move into New Houses
Class Education Intensified at Schools in DPRK
Construction of Sports Village Promoted in South Hamgyong Province of DPRK
Rice-transplanting Brisk in Tideland of DPRK
Agricultural Sci-tech Products Introduced in Farming
Efforts Made to Boost Production Capacity
Fishing Sector of DPRK Makes Substantial Progress

For Spanish-speaking People
Sesionada segunda jornada del 10o Pleno del 8o Periodo del CC del PTC
Publicado comunicado de la oficina de politica exterior del MINREX de la RPDC
Regresa de Rusia la delegacion del Ministerio de Deportes de la RPDC
Llega a Pyongyang la delegacion del Ministerio de Seguridad Publica de Vietnam
Embajada coreana en Laos ofrece banquete por 50 anos de vinculos diplomaticos

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