calendar>>June 19. 2024 Juche 113
Wonsan Botanical Garden
Pyongyang, June 19 (KCNA) -- In Kangwon Province of the DPRK, there is the Wonsan Botanical Garden situated in the Songdowon area, one of the country's scenic spots.

The botanical garden is a significant place associated with the warm care of the peerlessly great men. President Kim Il Sung chose the site and solved the problems arising in its construction and Chairman Kim Jong Il visited it in June Juche 59 (1970) to turn it into a base for education giving people a rich knowledge of plant resources and a cultural recreation centre for the people.

It covers a total area of over 70 hectares and the number of tree species is more than 450 species.

Among them are Abies Koreana, a natural monument, and tens of kinds of trees of high ornamental value and various rare flowers.

In the past, its officials and researchers succeeded in acclimatizing, breeding and introducing special plants of great scientific significance such as Pentactina rupicola and kumkangsania asiatica in the Wonsan area.

Entering this year, the botanical garden has conducted the work to register ornamental plants belonging to Spiraea prunifolia var and Euonymus alata as national horticultural species.

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