calendar>>June 28. 2024 Juche 113
Three-Revolution Red Flag Movement Brisk in DPRK
Pyongyang, June 28 (KCNA) -- Growing in Kaesong Municipality of the DPRK is the number of units which won the titles of the Twice Three-Revolution Red Flag and the Three-Revolution Red Flag.

The municipality has intensified its guidance over the three-revolution red flag movement, regarding it as a powerful weapon for strengthening the region.

The Haeson Vegetable Farm under the Municipal Rural Economy Committee has over-fulfilled its yearly plan for grain production by raising the masses' enthusiasm for revolution and struggle.

The vegetable workteam No. 1 of the Tokam Farm under the Municipal Rural Economy Committee has laid a guarantee for increased production by displaying collectivism to increase the proportion of mechanization of farming and introduce scientific farming method. Its success shows that the development of the unit can be made only when the mass movement is turned into work for itself.

The agricultural workers of workteam No. 7 of the Sinhung Farm under the Municipal Rural Economy Committee are raising their practical qualifications through study of agricultural science and technology and pooling their wisdom and enthusiasm to consolidate the material and technical foundations for agricultural production.

The Kaesong Mobile Communications Agency and the Kaephung District Post Office boost the employees' confidence and vitality through mass sports and cultural and art activities.

Officials and working people in the municipality are confidently opening up the road of regional and unit development, flying the three revolution red flags.

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