calendar>>June 28. 2024 Juche 113
Anniversary of Kim Jong Il's Start of Work at C.C., WPK Marked in Brazil
Pyongyang, June 28 (KCNA) -- An internet joint seminar took place in Brazil on June 17 to mark the 60th anniversary of Chairman Kim Jong Il's start of work at the Central Committee of the Workers' Party of Korea (WPK).

Present at the seminar on the theme of "The WPK and June 19" were personages of political parties, organizations and institutions, including the Brazilian Communist Party, the Brazilian Center for the Study of Songun Politics, the Brazilian Center for Peace and Solidarity with Peoples, the Brazilian Branch of the Korean Friendship Association, and members of Juche idea study organizations and organizations for friendship and solidarity with the Korean people.

A member of the National Political Committee of the Brazilian Communist Party made a keynote report at the seminar.

Referring to the historic significance of June 19, 1964, the reporter said that the WPK could hold fast to the Juche idea founded by Comrade Kim Il Sung as its steadfast guiding idea, thanks to Leader Kim Jong Il.

The noble exploits of Kim Jong Il who developed the WPK into an ever-victorious and iron-willed party serve as a precious legacy for the development of the Party and the eternal prosperity of socialist Korea, the reporter added.

Then followed speeches.

The chairman of the Brazilian Center for Peace and Solidarity with Peoples praised Kim Jong Il for elucidating the originality and validity of the Juche idea and establishing the Party leadership system through his energetic ideo-theoretical activities.

The official representative of the Brazilian Branch of the Korean Friendship Association said that the WPK could become a powerful party victoriously advancing the cause of independence of the masses, the cause of socialism, despite all storms of history under the guidance of Kim Jong Il, adding that his undying exploits for Party building are now being successfully carried forward by His Excellency Kim Jong Un.

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