July 8. 2024 Juche 113
Respected Comrade Kim Jong Un Visits Kumsusan Palace of Sun
National Memorial Service Held on 30th Anniversary of President Kim Il Sung's Demise
Ri Il Hwan Makes Memorial Address at National Memorial Service
Respected Comrade Kim Jong Un Receives Message from Syrian President
Press Statement of Vice Department Director of WPK Central Committee Kim Yo Jong
U.S. Condemned for Its Moves to Revive "UN Command"
Floral Baskets to Statues of Great Leaders from Abroad
Youth League Officials Visit Youth Movement Museum
Many People Visit Kaesong Municipal Revolutionary Museum
Early Peaches from Kwail County Arrive in Pyongyang
Rich Harvest at Kosan Combined Fruit Farm
Practical Steps Taken to Promote Overall Economic Development
Active Support to Educational Sector
External Projects for Regional-Industry Factories Near Completion
Efforts Directed to Improving Quality of Education
Brilliant Life of President Kim Il Sung
Papers Praise Ideology and Exploits of President Kim Il Sung
Over One Million Petition for Impeachment of Yoon Suk Yeol in Puppet ROK

For Spanish-speaking People
Estimado companero Kim Jong Un visita el Palacio del Sol Kumsusan por el 8 de julio
Tiene lugar acto central de recordacion al Presidente Kim Il Sung por el 30o aniversario de su fallecimiento
Estimado companero Kim Jong Un recibe mensaje de parte del Presidente sirio
Palabras de recordacion de Ri Il Hwan pronunciadas en el acto central por el 8 de julio
Kim Yo Jong condena en su nota los ejercicios de tiro de gangsteres militares de la RC
Kim Kwang Myong condena las tentativas de EE.UU. de rehabilitar la "Comandancia de las Fuerzas de la ONU"

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