July 14. 2024 Juche 113
Respected Comrade Kim Jong Un Gives Field Guidance over Construction Project of Samjiyon
Press Statement of Vice Department Director of WPK Central Committee Kim Yo Jong
Anniversary of Field Guidance of President Kim Il Sung and Chairman Kim Jong Il Marked
New Houses Built in Rural Areas of DPRK
Earlier Potato Harvest Finished in DPRK
Masters of Foreign Languages Grow in Number at Universities of DPRK
Modernization Project Propelled in Machine-Building Industry of DPRK
Many People Visit Art Exhibition on Theme of Class Education
Efforts Concentrated on Consolidating Production Foundation in Metal Industry
South Hwanghae Province of DPRK Expands Successes in Farming
New Posters Produced in DPRK
Efforts Concentrated on Scientific Cultivation of Crops
Brisk Motivation Activities
DPRK's First Heroes Produced during Fatherland Liberation War
Message to Respected Comrade Kim Jong Un from Participants in Int'l Internet Seminar
Regional Internet Seminar Held in Nigeria

For Spanish-speaking People
Estimado companero Kim Jong Un dirige en el terreno la construccion de la ciudad de Samjiyon
Kim Yo Jong reitera la advertencia en el caso de lanzamiento de octavillas
Tiene lugar mudanza a nuevas viviendas en la Granja de Madu
Creados nuevos afiches

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