July 16. 2024 Juche 113
Respected Comrade Kim Jong Un Gives On-site Guidance over Preparations for Construction of Sinpho City Offshore Farm
Press Statement of Vice Department Director of WPK Central Committee Kim Yo Jong
Enlarged Plenary Meetings of WPK Committees of Ministries and National Agencies Held
New Houses Built in Rural Areas of DPRK
First-stage Waterproofing Project for Reclaiming First District of Aedo Tideland Promoted in DPRK
Farms Promote Growth of Crops in DPRK
Movement of Aircraft-Hunting Teams during Fatherland Liberation War
President Kim Il Sung's Exploits Praised Abroad
98th Candlelight Rally and Demonstration for Impeachment of Puppet Yoon Suk Yeol Held in ROK

For Spanish-speaking People
Estimado companero Kim Jong Un dirige la preparacion de construccion de la Empresa de Maricultura de la ciudad de Sinpho
Kim Yo Jong vuelve a publicar hoy una declaracion
Tienen lugar plenos de los comites del partido en ministerios y organos centrales
Efectuadas mudanzas a nuevas viviendas en el distrito de Chosan

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