July 20. 2024 Juche 113
Respected Comrade Kim Jong Un Sends Message of Condolence to Central Committee of Communist Party of Vietnam
Congratulations to Mongolian FM
Anniversary of Victorious Sandinist People's Revolution Observed
Enlarged Plenary Meeting of DPRK Cabinet Held
546th Triplets Born at Pyongyang Maternity Hospital in DPRK
New Houses Built in North Hamgyong Province of DPRK
New Base for Producing Lightening Rods Established
General Bureau of Tanchon Area Mining Industry Accelerates Housing Construction
Many People Visit Ryongpho Revolutionary Site in DPRK
Railway Workers' Feats for War Victory
President Kim Il Sung Remembered in Different Countries
KCNA Commentary on Israel's Outrageous Territorial Expansion

For Spanish-speaking People
Estimado companero Kim Jong Un envia mensaje de condolencias al CC del PCV
Canciller coreana felicita con mensaje a su homologa mongola
Efectuado el acto de conmemoracion del 45o aniversario de triunfo de la Revolucion Popular Sandinista
Sesionada la reunion ampliada del pleno del Consejo de Ministros
Dadas de alta 546a trillizas en la Casa de Maternidad de Pyongyang
Lo que insiste Israel no es el "derecho de autodefensa" sino el de matanza y arrebato: comentario de ACNC

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