July 27. 2024 Juche 113
Respected Comrade Kim Jong Un Visits Fatherland Liberation War Martyrs Cemetery
Respected Comrade Kim Jong Un Visits Revolutionary Martyrs Cemetery on Mt Taesong
Respected Comrade Kim Jong Un Visits Friendship Tower
Belarusian Foreign Minister Leaves Pyongyang
Reception Given to Mark 71st Anniversary of Victory in Fatherland Liberation War
Grand Performances Given by Schoolchildren's Brass Bands
Oath-taking Meeting Held by Young People
Young Vanguard's March of Succession Held in Celebration of V-Day
Evening Gala of Youth and Students Held
Opera Given to Observe V-Day in DPRK
Floral Baskets to Statues of Great Leaders from Koreans in China
Floral Baskets to Statues of Great Leaders from Abroad
Education in Spirit of Defending Country Intensified
Drive for Coping with Disastrous Abnormal Weather Launched in DPRK
Contest of Foreign Language Hearing and Conversation Skill Held
More Young People Volunteer for Difficult Jobs in DPRK
Efforts Focused on Reinforcement Project
Birthday Spread to Centenarian in DPRK
Feats Performed by Defenders of Height 1211 during Fatherland Liberation War
Korean People's Victory in Fatherland Liberation War
DPRK People's Confidence in Their Leader during Fatherland Liberation War
V-day July 27 Will Be Immortal: Rodong Sinmun

For Spanish-speaking People
Estimado companero Kim Jong Un visita el Cementerio de Martires de la Guerra de Liberacion de la Patria por el dia de victoria
Estimado companero Kim Jong Un visita el Cementerio de Martires Revolucionarios del monte Taesong por el dia de victoria
Estimado companero Kim Jong Un visita el Monumento a la Amistad por el dia de victoria
Regresa el canciller de la Republica de Bielorrusia
Se ofrece banquete por el 71o aniversario de victoria en la guerra
Efectuado acto de juramento de vanguardias jovenes
Tiene lugar la velada de jovenes por el 27 de julio

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