July 28. 2024 Juche 113
Meeting with Victorious Wartime Generation Takes Place to Mark 71st Anniversary of Victory in Fatherland Liberation War
Ceremony of Commemorative March of Columns Symbolic of Units in Fatherland Liberation War Splendidly Held
Performance Given to Celebrate 71st Anniversary of Victory in Fatherland Liberation War
Senior Party and Government Officials Visit Kumsusan Palace of Sun
DPRK Delegation Leaves for Russia
Floral Tribute Paid to Statues of Great Leaders
Flowers Laid at Statues, Cemeteries and Graves of Martyrs and Memorial Towers
V-Day Marked in DPRK
Participants in Commemorative March Welcomed by Pyongyang Citizens
Efforts Made to Raise Disaster-Prevention Capability
Main Effort Paid to Minimize Damage by Disastrous Abnormal Weather
Mowing Brisk in Rural Areas of DPRK
New Stimulant to Ripening Ears Developed
Foreign Personages Release Statements

For Spanish-speaking People
Tiene lugar encuentro con la generacion triunfadora por el 71o aniversario de victoria en la Guerra de Liberacion de la Patria
Efectuado desfile de columnas simbolicas por el aniversario 71 de gran victoria en la Guerra de Liberacion de la Patria
Se ofrece con solemnidad la funcion por el 71o aniversario de victoria en la Guerra de Liberacion de la Patria
Cuadros del Partido y gobierno visitan el Palacio del Sol Kumsusan por el dia de victoria
Parte hacia Rusia la delegacion del Ministerio de Industria Electrica

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