calendar>>July 3. 2024 Juche 113
900-odd Winners of University Student Scientific Research Prize Produced in First Half of Year
Pyongyang, July 3 (KCNA) -- University students across the DPRK have injected vitality into the all-people advance for implementing the decisions of the Workers' Party of Korea by achieving successes in valuable scientific researches.

Amid the brisk campaign of brains and quest of the university students to open up the unknown world of the advanced science before anyone else, 900-odd students won the University Student Scientific Research Prize in the first half of the year.

Students of Kim Il Sung University proved successful again in Codechef, an international internet program contest, held in January.

Those of Kim Chaek University of Technology manufactured and introduced a small concrete strength electrometer to make contribution to increasing the speed and quality of construction.

Similar successes have been made by students of Chongjin University of Medicine, Pyongyang Municipal College of Medicine, Phyongsong Teacher Training College and Pyongyang University of Architecture.

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