calendar>>July 3. 2024 Juche 113
Efforts to Cope with Disastrous Abnormal Weather in Kaesong Municipality
Pyongyang, July 3 (KCNA) -- Kaesong Municipality in the DPRK are directing efforts to minimizing the damage caused by disastrous abnormal weather.

Kaephung and Phanmun districts worked out plans to finish the project for building permanent anti-tidal dykes in a short span of time and completed the embankment and retaining wall projects by concentrating efforts and means.

Jangphung County is installing protective walls, repairing retaining walls and cleaning canals and ditches to prevent damage from flooding and landslide.

Power transmission and distribution units in the municipality have added arresters to substations in different regions and are checking the overall distribution lines, building retaining walls and repairing earth wires.

Officials and working people in the fields of urban management and land management are repairing public buildings and dwelling houses and dredging river-beds.

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