calendar>>July 13. 2024 Juche 113
KCNA Commentary on Ridiculous Rumor Spread by "Superpower"
Pyongyang, July 13 (KCNA) -- Shortly ago, a delegation of the U.S. House of Representatives toured the Middle East.

We do not feel the need to comment on such despicable junket by politicians of the U.S., rejected by its population for having squandered tax only while failing to deal with home affairs. However, we cannot but refer to the fact that they fabricated and spread groundless rumors about the DPRK.

Unexpectedly talking about the DPRK's "threat" over the Middle East situation fraught with a new danger, they asserted that tragedy of bloodshed in the region is being caused by someone's "intervention" or "support".

This clearly proves how desperately the U.S. has stuck to the smear campaign for tarnishing the image of the dignified DPRK and "demonizing" it.

Everyone understands that the Middle East crisis was arisen and Israel has steadily committed massacre despite the denunciation by the world community as the U.S. has patronized and backed the Zionists and inspired their war hysteria.

Even major Western media recently cited the figures and data to prove that Israel's large-scale indiscriminate military attacks on Gaza Strip are ascribable to the support of the U.S., which has unsparingly offered a large amount of munitions including high-explosive bombs and various kinds of missiles in every way.

This being a hard fact, American politicians have persistently intrigued against the DPRK, which is far from the Middle East. What is their purpose?

It is well-known to everyone that the U.S. has frequently raised such sophism as someone's "threat" and "provocation" in the international arena in a bid to slander the DPRK and justify its hegemonic moves.

However, the power and position of the DPRK have not been weakened but remarkably increased, further making the U.S. feel uneasy. The world people unanimously recognize this development as a "great failure of the U.S. anti-DPRK policy".

So, the way out the U.S. finally found is to mislead the public opinion as if the daily-growing global danger is attributable to the DPRK by unreasonably linking the proxy wars, staged by itself in different parts of the world, with "the DPRK's intervention and support" and thus divert the focus of intensive international criticism and pressure to the latter.

Given the U.S. politicians deliberately link the cause of the escalating tension in the Middle East with the DPRK in a bid to tide over the worst crisis which makes the U.S. driven into a predicament, their nervous prostration is seemly developing into psychosis.

But the truth never changes.

No matter what silly jargons may be let out by any riff-raffs, the heinous crimes of the U.S., the axis of evil wrecking global peace and stability, and its crime-woven history can never be covered and it is more impossible to shift the blame onto others.

The DPRK's responsible mission to defend peace and stability in the region and the rest of the world can never be denied by anyone's effort to infamize the DPRK, and the cheap rumors fabricated by the U.S. to justify the "bloody dinner" only show the poor nature of the "only superpower" breathing its last.

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