August 12. 2024 Juche 113
Efforts Made to Ensure Prompt and Correct Weather Forecast
Farmers in Chongjin City of DPRK Move into New Houses
New Floodgate Built in Nampho Municipality
Many Units Awarded Title of Model Technical Innovation Unit
Grass-cutting Campaign Brisk in Nampho Municipality
Respected Comrade Kim Jong Un Receives Greetings from Abroad
Strength of Patriotism and Unity is Powerful Driving Force for Overall State Prosperity: Rodong Sinmun

For Spanish-speaking People
Direccion Meteorologica e Hidrologica por asegurar la exactitud de pronostico del tiempo
Se mudan a nuevos nidos los granjeros de la ciudad de Chongjin
Ciudad de Nampho construye nueva compuerta en la marisma Ansok

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