August 14. 2024 Juche 113
Credentials to President of Vietnam
Respected Comrade Kim Jong Un Receives Congratulations from Diplomatic Corps
WPK Central Committee Sends Aid Materials to Flood Victims in Ryanggang Province of DPRK
Anniversary of Respected Comrade Kim Jong Un's Field Guidance at Kalma Foodstuff Factory Marked
Performance Given by Art Squad of Agricultural Workers in DPRK
Many People Visit Revolutionary Battle Sites
Trade Union Officials in DPRK Meet to Mark Anniversary of National Liberation
Sci-Tech Exhibition in Field of Furniture and Finishing Building Materials Closes
Efforts Directed to Timber Production
Efforts Paid to Preparation for Harvesting
Efforts Made to Minimize Flood Damage to Crops in DPRK
KCNA Commentary on Japan's Behavior of Disguising Itself as Nuclear Victim
Rodong Sinmun Calls for Positively Exploiting Natural and Economic Resources
Outstanding Strategy and Tactics Applied in Anti-Japanese War
Anti-Japanese Armed Struggle in Korea

For Spanish-speaking People
Embajador coreano se acredita ante el Presidente de Vietnam
CC del PTC envia materiales de ayuda a los damnificados de la provincia de Ryanggang
Fabrica de Alimentos de Kalma celebra decenario de la visita del estimado companero Kim Jong Un
Procuran reparar los danos por anegacion a las plantaciones agricolas
ACNC comenta la conducta repugnante de la "victima de arma nuclear"

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