August 15. 2024 Juche 113
Reception Given by Russian Charge d'Affaires ad Interim
Brisk Repairing of Damage in DPRK
Floral Baskets Sent to Statues of Great Leaders
Floral Baskets Sent to Statues of Great Leaders from Abroad
Respected Comrade Kim Jong Un Receives Floral Basket from Abroad
Youth and Students Meet to Cherish Faith of Anti-Japanese Revolutionary Fighter
Oratorical Meeting of Workers and Trade Union Members
Many People Visit Revolutionary Battle Sites
11th Exhibition of Teaching Aids in Field of Art Education Held
Aesthetic Symposium in Field of Land and Environment Protection Held in DPRK
Work for Building New Structure Propelled in Chemical Industry Sector of DPRK
Namhung Youth Chemical Complex Increases Production of Nitrogen Fertilizer
Successes Made in Cocoon Production in DPRK
DPRK's Newspapers Mark National Liberation Day

For Spanish-speaking People
Encargado de negocios ruso ofrece banquete por el 15 de agosto
Trabaja duro la comandancia de reparacion de danos de la provincia de Phyong-an del Norte
Encuentro de oratoria de obreros y gremiales por el dia de liberacion
Jovenes y estudiantes ven la escena televisiva "Grito de fe" por el dia de liberacion
Tiene lugar seminario estival de estetica de la rama de proteccion territorial y ambiental

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