calendar>>August 27. 2024 Juche 113
104th Candlelight Rally and Demo Staged in Puppet ROK
Pyongyang, August 27 (KCNA) -- The 104th public candlelight rally and demonstration took place in Seoul on August 24 amid the ever-mounting protests against puppet Yoon Suk Yeol, a lunatic running amuck to provoke a war.

At a rally held on the theme "Let's impeach pro-Japanese traitor and war maniac Yoon Suk Yeol!", speakers accused Yoon of suppressing people and seeking to provoke a war to tide over his worst ruling crisis.

Terming Yoon a traitor and a war maniac keen on fascist dictatorship backed by the prosecution who paves the path for outsiders' aggression by intensifying the war drills with the U.S. and Japan and made an enemy of the people and revealed his ill intention to declare "martial law," they said it is an urgent task to down with him.

They expressed their will to further intensify the all-people movement for impeaching Yoon by launching a stronger struggle for impeachment along with the start of the regular parliamentary session and to wage a full-scale signature and fund-raising campaigns for impeaching Yoon and averting a war.

Then they launched a demonstration march to the puppet presidential office, holding placards and literature calling for ousting Yoon.

They demonstrated their will to get rid of the puppet and his clan as early as possible, saying the prosecution is a lever for Yoon to maintain his power and impeachment is a punitive measure for checking Yoon's provocative war moves, suppression of the public and misrule.

Commenting on it, media of puppet ROK stated that various social circles have declared an all-out 100-day struggle for impeaching Yoon and such impeachment atmosphere will get stronger in the future.

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