calendar>>October 2. 2024 Juche 113
First National Conference of Officials of Personnel Administration Sector Held
Respected Comrade Kim Jong Un Sends Important Letter to Participants in Conference

Pyongyang, October 2 (KCNA) -- The First National Conference of Officials in Personnel Administration Sector took place in Pyongyang, the capital city of the DPRK.

The conference was aimed at taking practical steps to turn the personnel administration into a scientific and efficient one accelerating the advance and development of the DPRK in line with the requirements of the times when a new heyday of strengthening the entire Party is being ushered in, while clearly proving the validity and vitality of the five-point Party-building line in the new era.

Based on analyzing and reviewing in depth the successes and experience achieved in the personnel administration sector at present, the deviations, aftereffects and causes, the conference sincerely discussed practical issues for bringing about a fresh turn in implementing the Party's policy on the personal administration.

Present there were secretaries of the Central Committee of the Workers' Party of Korea, officials of the relevant departments of the WPK Central Committee, senior officials and officials in charge of the personnel administration of provincial, city and county Party committees, the Party committees performing similar functions, ministries, national agencies and armed forces organs, and officials in charge of personal administration of industrial establishments.

The national anthem of the DPRK was played after the conference was declared open.

The letter sent by Kim Jong Un, general secretary of the Workers' Party of Korea, to the participants in the First National Conference of Officials in the Personnel Administration Sector was courteously conveyed.

Receiving the great immortal programme clearly indicating the outstanding ideology and theory and ways for reliably guaranteeing the overall development of the Party building, state building and socialist construction by making a fundamental innovation in the personnel administration of the new era, all the participants broke into loud applauses, reflecting their firm pledge to fulfill their responsibility and duty entrusted by the times, revolution, the Party and people in the struggle for qualitatively strengthening the ranks of cadres with a new mind of standing in the starting point of the revolution in the personnel administration.

A report was made at the conference.

The reporter said that Kim Jong Un put forward the personnel administration as an important issue decisive of the destiny and future of the Party and state, clearly indicated the principled issues arising in building up the ranks of cadres in a qualitative way and energetically led the work to break the outdated pattern latent in the personnel administration and bring about a fresh turn as required by the times.

It is a precious fruition of rare wisdom and ceaseless efforts of the respected General Secretary that a new system of judging cadres, an objective and strict examination and ratification system of cadres and a system for training reserve cadres have been established in the struggle to innovate the system and method of the personnel administration in line with the five-point Party-building line in the new era and a foundation has been laid for ensuring objectivity, impartiality and accuracy in the whole course of the personnel administration, he stressed.

The report referred to the achievements made by officials in the personnel administration sector who are devoting themselves to strengthening the ranks of cadres in a qualitative way with high sense of responsibility, firm principle and pure conscience, true to the noble intention of the respected General Secretary in the course of the struggle to implement the Party's policy on brining a new turn in personal administration sector.

Many officials who were promoted to the important posts of the Party and the government and the responsible positions of major sectors and units of socialist construction under the great trust of the Party Central Committee play a leading and core role in the struggle to powerfully demonstrate the dignity and prestige of our state with tireless enthusiasm and courageous capabilities, the reporter stressed, adding that this is a clear proof of the validity and vitality of our Party's policy on personnel administration.

The report analyzed and reviewed a series of shortcomings and causes of failing to fulfill their responsibility and duty due to the old-fashioned viewpoint and work attitude and style of officials in the personnel administration sector, and presented the measures to overcome them.

Then followed speeches.

The speeches referred to the successes and experience gained in the course of conducting the personnel administration strictly in the Party and class principles to ensure the purity and quality of the ranks of cadres, building up the ranks of cadres in a far-sighted way and selecting, distributing and educating cadres and training reserve cadres in the Party principle.

Strictly analyzed were series of deviations revealed due to the lack of firm ideological determination that the success or failure in the revolution of personnel administration depends on the sense of responsibility and role of the officials in charge of the personnel administration sector.

The speakers expressed their determination to firmly consolidate the ranks of cadres with officials fully equipped with the Party spirit, revolutionary spirit and popular spirit, and loyalists capable of assuming important sectors and posts of the Party and state, regarding the Party's policy on bringing a new turn in the personal administration sector as their lifeline, and thus reliably guarantee the implementation of the Party's grand programme for comprehensive development of the state.

A letter of pledge to Kim Jong Un was adopted with enthusiastic applauses of the participants.

Then a workshop was held for the participants in the conference.

First, a lecture to explain the main contents of the important letter sent by the respected General Secretary to the participants was given at the workshop.

The lecturer explained in a profound way the essence of the Party's idea of prioritizing cadres and the new guidelines of personnel administration indicated by the respected General Secretary.

Then, the workshop dealt with the issue of deeply grasping the undying feats performed by the General Secretary in the personnel administration sector and the principled issues to be observed in the personnel administration.

Through the workshop, the participants deeply studied the Party's new policies on bringing a radical turn in the personal administration sector and exchanged and shared various views of a series of issues arising in the personnel administration, thus actively cultivating the correct methodology and practical ability of the personnel administration.

Bearing deep again in mind the important mission that they have assumed personal administration decisive of the destiny of the Party and the revolution, the participants renewed their determination and readiness to realize the purity of the ranks of cadres on a high level as intended by the Party Central Committee and thus steadily write a new page in bringing a radical turn in the personal administration sector in the era of great change.

The First National Conference of Officials in the Personnel Administration Sector marked a significant occasion which provided another turning point in opening up a new era for bringing a radical turn in the personal administration sector for solving the cadre issue decisive of rejuvenation and prospects of the development of the state, in consolidating the guiding power of the ever-victorious Workers' Party of Korea to be an invincible one and in continuing the dynamic development and pure succession of the Juche revolution forever.

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