calendar>>October 24. 2024 Juche 113
Anniversary of Chairman Kim Jong Il's Field Guidance at Anju 121 Paper Factory Marked
Pyongyang, October 24 (KCNA) -- A meeting took place on October 23 to mark the 40th anniversary of Chairman Kim Jong Il's field guidance at the Anju 121 Paper Factory.

Kim Jong Min, secretary of the Party primary committee of the Anju 121 Paper Factory, made a report there.

The reporter noted that Kim Jong Il visited the factory in October 1984 and went round various production lines, clearly indicating the orientation and ways for the development of the paper industry, including the issue of decisively improving the quality of products and normalizing the production.

He referred to the fact that the officials and employees of the factory have readjusted and reinforced equipment and introduced advanced sci-tech achievements for the past 40 years, true to the on-site instructions of Kim Jong Il, thus achieving successes in raising quality and revitalizing production.

He called upon the officials and employees of the factory to glorify forever the immortal leadership exploits of the Chairman and bring about substantial progress in implementing the decisions of the plenary meetings of the Central Committee of the Workers' Party of Korea.

He stressed that all the officials and employees of the factory should make innovations in the production of paper products, true to the ideas and leadership of the respected Comrade Kim Jong Un, and thus glorify the honor of the unit associated with the leadership exploits and make a tangible contribution to the comprehensive rejuvenation of the DPRK.

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