calendar>>October 24. 2024 Juche 113
Myohyangsan Medical Appliances Factory
Pyongyang, October 24 (KCNA) -- The Myohyangsan Medical Appliances Factory in the DPRK is a model factory leading the development of the country's medical appliances industry.

The factory, which has put production and management on a high scientific and IT basis, is precious fruition of the warm loving care and devoted efforts made by the respected General Secretary Kim Jong Un to make sure that the people lead a highly civilized life in good health under the socialist public health system.

Out of his intention to bring about a turn in the country's medical appliances industry and public health, the General Secretary visited the factory many times and set a high target to modernize the factory and took measures to implement it.

One day in October 2019, he visited the factory to learn about its modernization, saying that it was perfect in both architectural and technical aspects as its interior and exterior met the requirements of an icon factory in the medical field along with its excellent architectural style, clean environment of its surroundings and well-distributed space.

Watching the trial medical appliances produced by the factory, he said that it is necessary to design them well to suit the actual conditions of hospitals and constitutions of patients and steadily update them in an innovative way so as to develop and produce high-performance quality medical appliances.

Under his guidance, the factory, built as a model of the country's medical appliances industry, has developed tens of kinds of modern medical appliances and remarkably increased the production capacity.

The factory has sent medical appliances to provincial, city and county-level curative and preventive organs and hospitals in mountainous counties.

Recently, it sent hundreds of medical equipment and appliances, including high-performance combined dental treatment machines, to curative and preventive organs.

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