calendar>>December 26. 2024
Reinforcement Project Finished in Phosphate Fertilizer Industry of DPRK
Pyongyang, December 26 (KCNA) -- Officials and workers in the phosphate fertilizer industry of the DPRK have carried out the production and reinforcement project for this year through a drive for increased production and creation.

The Yongyu Mine secured a large amount of ore by paying attention to the maintenance and repair of mining equipment and the development of stope. It has pushed ahead with tunneling by introducing advanced technology and ensured the operation of equipment at full capacity.

This year's production plan for apatite concentrate was completed thanks to the efforts of officials and workers of the apatite mines across the country including Ssangryong and Tongam mines.

The Phungnyon Mine completed seven projects, thus attaining the goals set forth this year for strengthening the production base.

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