calendar>>March 2. 2025
Respected Comrade Kim Jong Un Receives Greetings from Abroad
Pyongyang, March 2 (KCNA) -- The respected Comrade Kim Jong Un received congratulatory messages and letters from different countries on the occasion of the significant February holiday.

Congratulations came from the Mongolian president, the general secretary of the C.C., the Nepal Communist Party (Marxist-Leninist), the chairperson of the Nepal Communist Party (United Socialism), the general secretary of the Mongolian People's Party, the chairman of the FUNCINPEC Party of Cambodia, the chairman of the Central Council of the People Unity-"Kyrgyz El" Republican Political Party of Kyrgyzstan, the chairman of the Central Council of the Islamic Coalition Party of Iran, the general chairperson and the general secretary of the National Guidance Council of the Indonesian Rural Reconstruction Movement Party, the general secretary of the C.C., the All-India Forward Bloc, the chairman of the Socialist Party of Romania, the chairman of the Supreme Council of the National Socialist Party of Romania, the chairman of the Liberal Democratic Party of Russia, the chairman of the Socialist Political Party 'For Just Russia-Patriots-Truth' (Russia), the chairperson of the Party for Peace and Unity of Russia, the chairman of the C.C., the Communist Party "Russian Communists", the chairman of the Hungarian Workers' Party, the first secretary of the C.C., the Communist Party of Belarus, the general secretary of the Communist Party of Switzerland, the chairman and the international secretary of the Communist Party in Sweden, the chairman and the secretary general of the C.C., the Slovak Communist Party, the general secretary of the C.C., the Czechoslovak Communist Party, the chairman and the international secretary of the Finnish Communists' League, the general secretary and concurrently international secretary of the Serbian Communist Party, the chairperson and concurrently international secretary of the Communist Party of Great Britain (Marxist-Leninist), the general secretary and the international secretary of the C.C., the New Yugoslav Communist Party, the general secretary of the Movement for Peace and Socialism of Italy, the general secretary of the South West Africa People's Organizational Party of Namibia, the national chairman of the People's Progressive Party of Nigeria, the secretary general of the African National Congress of South Africa, the chairman of the Nasser Arab Democratic Party of Egypt, the chairman of the Arab Socialist Party of Egypt, the first secretary of the Workers' World Party of the United States of America, the national leader of the Workers' Party of Mexico, the general secretary of the C.C., the People's Socialist Party of Mexico, the general coordinator of the Federal Political Secretariat of the United Left Party of Venezuela and the national leader of the Communist Party of Canada (Marxist-Leninist).

The congratulatory messages and letters also came from the political secretary and the international secretary of the C.C., the Bulgarian Communists' Party, the director of the International Department of the Socialist Workers' Party of Croatia, the international secretary of the C.C., the Communist Party of the People of Spain, the vice-chairman of the Socialist Freedom Party of Egypt, a member of the National Committee of the Socialist Workers' Party of the United States of America, the secretary of the International Relations of the Brazilian Communist Party, the co-chairman of the Board of Directors of the Kim Il Sung-Kim Jong Il Foundation, the general director of the FAO, the director-general and the vice-director general of the International Institute of the Juche Idea, the director of the European Society for the Study of the Juche Idea, and other high-ranking officials of political, social and economic circles in China, Russia, Nepal, Myanmar, Mongolia, Sri Lanka, Singapore, Cambodia, Thailand, Pakistan, Palestine, Iran, India, Norway, Denmark, Germany, Romania, Malta, Bulgaria, Belarus, Switzerland, Sweden, the Czech Republic, France, Finland, Croatia, Poland, Serbia, UK, Austria, Iceland, Italy, Spain, Nigeria, South Africa, Niger, Equatorial Guinea, Egypt, Ethiopia, Mexico, Brazil, Venezuela, Chile, Colombia, Peru and Ecuador, and Juche idea study organizations and representatives of international bodies here.

Meanwhile, the C.C., the Workers' Party of Korea received a message of greeting from the C.C., the People's Party of Cambodia.

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