calendar>>March 7. 2025
Women's Rights Fully Guaranteed in DPRK
Pyongyang, March 7 (KCNA) -- On the occasion of the 115th March 8 International Women's Day, all the people in the DPRK warmly congratulate the women who are adding pleasure to their families and society and supporting the country.

Great is the pride and honor of the Korean women who have led a happy and dignified life while being given genuine rights in all fields of social life, thanks to the politics of the Workers' Party of Korea and the DPRK government on attaching importance to women.

In the country, the women are granted all rights under such many laws as the law on the provision of women's rights and the Socialist Labour Law as well as the state and social policies for women.

Thanks to the Law on Sex Equality, mapped out and promulgated by President Kim Il Sung in July 1946, the Korean women could contribute to the revolution, construction and social development with the same rights as men.

An ordinary woman worker has become a deputy to the Supreme People's Assembly and many women have exercised their political rights to the full at power organs at all levels.

Nurseries, kindergartens and public service facilities have been built in different parts of the country to help women take part in labor without worry, and their children are brought up at state and public expense.

As many women have honestly performed their duties while bringing up their children, they are highly respected by society and the collective as cadres and labor innovators.

Women who gave birth to many children are regarded as heroes, and prolific mothers are provided with food, houses and other living conditions and medical services are offered to their families on a preferential basis.

Today, the Communist Mother Honor Prize is awarded to women who have made distinguished contributions to the prosperity of the country by fulfilling their responsibility and duty as mothers before the society and families, thanks to the love and trust of the respected Comrade Kim Jong Un who attaches importance to the women as a powerful force of the development of the state and society.

This is the reality of our socialist country that truly provides the women with all rights of a social human being, including the rights to development and honor, to say nothing of the rights to existence and equality.

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