March.30.2004 Juche 93
Kim Il Sung Praised
Reception Given at DPRK Consulate General in Nahodka
Iranian President on Independent Policy of DPRK
U.S. - S. Korean Joint Military Drills under Fire
Withdrawal of Penalty Demanded for Korean Social Scientist in Germany Demanded
U.S. Logic of Evil Flayed
KCNA Assails U.S. Frantic Moves for Development of New Type Nukes
Centres for Education in Traditions of Korean Revolution
U.S. War Moves Threatening Humankind's Existence
Many Schoolgirls Trained as Footballers
Tree Planting Brisk in DPRK
For Spanish-speaking people
Kim Jong Il inspecciona subunidad de la Unidad No. 979 del EPC
Ninos escolares capitalinos felicitan a los reclutas
Ejercicio de desembarco de tropas de EE.UU. y del Sur de Corea