October 3. 2019 Juche 108
DPRK Academy of Defence Science Succeeds in Test-firing of New-type SLBM
Statement by Head of DPRK Delegation at General Debate of 74th Session of UNGA
Regulations for EDZ Revised in DPRK
Foundation Day of Korea Marked
National Exhibition of Sci-Tech Achievements in Field of Fuel for Inhabitants Opens
Cuban Delegation Visits Different Places
Italian Figure Arrives
Floral Tribute Paid to Statues of President Kim Il Sung and Chairman Kim Jong Il
Russian Figure Leaves
Akhakgwebom, Cultural Heritage of Korean Nation

For Spanish-speaking People
Academia de Ciencias de Defensa Nacional de Corea logra exitos en lanzamiento de SLBM
Jefe de delegacion coreana expone voluntad de fortalecer amistad y cooperacion con otros paises
Se enmienda el Reglamento de Desarrollo de Zonas de Desarrollo Economico
Efectuado acto por el Dia de Fundacion de Corea
Se abre exposicion de exitos cientificos y tecnicos de rama de combustibles domesticos
Delegacion cubana visita varios lugares de Pyongyang

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