July 7. 2020 Juche 109
Supreme Leader Kim Jong Un Receives Reply Message from President of DR Congo
Director General of Department of U.S. Affairs of DPRK Foreign Ministry Issues Statement
Floral Basket to Statues of President Kim Il Sung and Chairman Kim Jong Il from Nigerian President
Floral Baskets Sent to Statues of President Kim Il Sung and Chairman Kim Jong Il
Floral Tribute Paid to Statues of President Kim Il Sung and Chairman Kim Jong Il
President Kim Il Sung Praised by Foreign Body, Figures
Gravity-fed Waterway Completed in Kumya County
President Kim Il Sung's Great Life Devoted to People
KCNA Commentary Blames Japan for Asserting Its "Dominium over Tok Island"

For Spanish-speaking People
Kwon Jong Gun advierte al Sur de Corea
Maximo Dirigente Kim Jong Un recibe mensaje de respuesta de Presidente de RDC
ACNC denuncia en comentario la intencion de Japon de arrebatar el islote Tok

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