May 23. 2024 Juche 113
Respected Comrade Kim Jong Un Has Photo Session with Soldier-builders, Designers and Artistes
Monument to the Victorious Battle of Musan Area in DPRK
Women's Union Organizations Conduct Brisk Motivational Activities at Farm Fields
Farmers of Soljae Farm in DPRK Move into New Houses
Activities of Sci-tech Committees Brisk in DPRK
Dynamic Campaign to Cope with Disastrous Abnormal Weather Launched in DPRK
Tukjang Area Coal Mining Complex Overfulfills Coal Production Plan
Moving into New Houses at Rural Villages of South Hwanghae Province
Potato-planting Hastened at Final Stage in Ryanggang Province of DPRK

For Spanish-speaking People
Estimado companero Kim Jong Un se retrata con los constructores militares, disenadores y artistas contribuyentes a la construccion y efectuacion exitosa de acto de inauguracion de la Escuela Central de Cuadros del PTC
Mudanzas a nuevas viviendas en las comunas de la provincia de Hwanghae del Sur
Comites regionales de ciencias y tecnicas encabezan el desarrollo local

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