May 25. 2024 Juche 113
20th Politburo Meeting of Eighth C.C., WPK Held
Russian Delegation Leaves for Home
Reception Given for Players and Coaches of DPRK Women's Football Players Team
Farmers of Munhyon Farm of DPRK Move into New Houses
Trade Union Organizations in Nampho Municipality Conduct Information and Motivation Activities
Farms in DPRK Focus on Wheat and Barley Cultivation
Electricity Production Increases in Jagang Province of DPRK
Respected Comrade Kim Jong Un Praised Abroad

For Spanish-speaking People
Sesionada la 20a reunion del Buro Politico del 8o Periodo del CC del PTC
Regresa la delegacion del Consejo de Federacion de Rusia
Ofrecido banquete en honor de las futbolistas y sus entrenadores
Tiene lugar la mudanza a nuevas viviendas en la granja de Munhyon

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