calendar>>May 25. 2024 Juche 113
Electricity Production Increases in Jagang Province of DPRK
Pyongyang, May 25 (KCNA) -- Small and medium-sized power stations in Jagang Province of the DPRK have put equipment and water management on a scientific basis and carried out their production plans for every ten days and every month.

The Hungju Youth Power Station has increased its production by 1.2 times as compared with the same period of last year.

The Manpho Yonha Power Station has finished repairing generators in a short span of time, adjusted the water level according to the weather conditions, thus ensuring high water level and high efficiency operation.

The Huichon Power Station No. 3 has invented and introduced several technical innovation proposals to improve the performance of generators and transformers.

Power stations in Hwaphyong and Songgan counties have intensified checkups and directed efforts to ensuring the stability of generators.

Meanwhile, power producers in Janggang, Usi and Chosan counties are pooling their wisdom and efforts to satisfactorily meet the demand for electricity needed for the development of regional economy and the improvement of the people's living standards.

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