May 26. 2024 Juche 113
Press Statement by Vice-Minister of National Defence of DPRK
DPRK Delegation Leaves for Switzerland
Exhibition of Finishing Building Materials Held in Pyongyang
UAWK Organizations Display Greater Enthusiasm for Collective Emulation
Patriotic Movement Brisk among Women's Union Organizations in Kangwon Province of DPRK
Many Young Workers Fulfill Their Yearly Plans in DPRK
Farmers Move into New Houses in North Phyongan Province
Efforts for Preventing Forest Fire in North Phyongan Province
Iron and Steel Production Plan Fulfilled in DPRK
Patriotic Enthusiasm Grows Stronger in DRPK
Increased Production in Coal Industrial Sector of DPRK
Rodong Sinmun Calls on All People to Fulfill First Half-yearly Plan

For Spanish-speaking People
Viceministro de Defensa Nacional de la RPDC advierte a los paises hostiles
Parte hacia Suiza la delegacion a la reunion internacional
Pyongyang, sede de exhibicion de materiales de construccion de acabado
Tiene lugar la mudanza a nuevas viviendas en la Granja de Posong

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