calendar>>May 12. 2024 Juche 113
Role of Repair and Power-Supply Bases Enhanced in Coal Industry
Pyongyang, May 12 (KCNA) -- True to the decisions of the Ninth Plenary Meeting of the Eighth Central Committee of the Workers' Party of Korea, the coal-mining industry of the DPRK has put the operation of repair and power-supply bases on a normal basis to ensure increased coal production.

Officials and workers of coal-mining machine factories across the country produced more than 1,000 coal wagons and lots of parts and accessories and sent them to coal mines.

Workers and technicians of the Tokchon Coal Mining Machine Factory have produced more than 300 coal wagons. The sheet metal processing shop and equipment repair shop are boosting the production while inspiring enthusiasm for socialist emulation among workteams and shifts. And workers of several workshops are making successes in the production of small tools and mine car wheels by tapping internal reserves and raising the operating ratio of equipment.

Similar successes have been witnessed at the Sunchon Coal-mining Machine Factory, the Pukchang Coal-mining Machine Factory and the Kaechon Coal-mining Machine Factory.

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