May 12. 2024 Juche 113
Press Statement by Spokesperson for DPRK Foreign Ministry
Ceremony for Moving into New Houses Held in North Phyongan Province of DPRK
Mangyongdae Children's Camp
Campaign to Learn from Communist Mothers Launched in DPRK
Production of Custom-built Equipment Propelled
Successes Witnessed at Taean Friendship Glass Factory in DPRK
Role of Repair and Power-Supply Bases Enhanced in Coal Industry
Rodong Sinmun on Global Peace and Security

For Spanish-speaking People
Publicada la declaracion de portavoz de MINREX de la RPDC
Tiene lugar la mudanza a nuevas viviendas en la Granja de Tangsang
Rodong Sinmun subraya la importancia de la lucha antiimperialista

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