June 6. 2024 Juche 113
Stage of Pride of Children's Union Members Held
Art Performance Marks 78th KCU Birthday
Sports and Amusement Games Held to Mark 78th Founding Anniversary of KCU Marked
Children's Union Members Conduct Brisk Motivation Activities at Major Construction Sites in DPRK
Respected Fatherly Marshal Kim Jong Un Makes Immortal Classic Works Associated with His Noble Outlook on Posterity
Benevolent Father of Schoolchildren
Pukchong County Revolutionary Museum Opens in South Hamgyong Province, DPRK
Agricultural Working People Move into New Houses in South Hwanghae Province of DPRK
Ryesonggang Power Station Fulfills First Half-yearly National Economic Plan
Successes Witnessed in Shoe-making Industry of DPRK
New-type Trolley Buses Produced in DPRK
Practical Successes Made by Scientists and Technicians of State Academy of Sciences
Rodong Sinmun on Korean Revolution Advancing by Dint of Love for Younger Generation

For Spanish-speaking People
Ofrecida funcion conjunta de ninos escolares por el aniversario 78 de fundacion de ONC
Montada la escena de presentacion de orgullos de los miembros de ONC
Tienen lugar juegos deportivos y de recreo por el dia de fundacion de la ONC
Inaugurado el Museo de la Historia Revolucionaria del distrito de Pukchong

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