June 13. 2024 Juche 113
Greetings to Russian FM
Greetings to Philippine FM
Wreaths Laid at Liberation Towers and Cemeteries of Fallen Fighters of Soviet Army
Anniversary of President Kim Il Sung's Field Guidance to Chongjin Port Marked
"Complete Collection of Kim Il Sung's Works" Published in DPRK
Efforts Concentrated on Weeding in DPRK
Steel Designing Institute Marks Its 60th Founding Anniversary
Seminar on Design of Prefabricated Construction in DPRK
Innovation Made in Production of Custom-built Equipment
Changgol Revolutionary Site
Many People Visit Korean Revolution Museum
Efforts Made for Landscaping
"Red Line" Touted by U.S. Is Banister for Murderers

For Spanish-speaking People
Canciller coreana congratula a su homologo ruso
Canciller coreana felicita a su homologo filipino
Miembros de la embajada rusa rinden homenaje a martires del ejercito sovietico
Tiene lugar el acto por el aniversario 50 de la visita del Presidente Kim Il Sung al Puerto de Chongjin
"Linea roja" de EE.UU. es la "baranda de proteccion" para los asesinos

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