June 18. 2024 Juche 113
Russia and Democratic People's Republic of Korea: Tradition of Friendship and Cooperation Lasts Decade after Decade
Executive Committee of Int'l Martial Arts Games Committee Held
Ceremony of Lighting Fire for Int'l Martial Arts Games Held in Pyongyang
Order of DPRK Friendship Conferred
World Blood Donor Day Marked in DPRK
Anniversary of Chairman Kim Jong Il's Start of Work at C.C., WPK Marked
Symposium of Social Scientists in DPRK
Harvest of Earlier Crops Accelerated on Farms of DPRK
Farmers of Thaephyong Farm in DPRK Move into New Houses
New Energy-Saving Oxygen Heat Blast Furnace
Russian People Will Surely Win Victory of Justice
Russian President's Visit to DPRK Welcomed: Newspapers of DPRK

For Spanish-speaking People
Rusia y RPDC: tradicion de amistad y cooperacion que continua decada tras decada
Sesionada la reunion de comision ejecutiva del CIJAM
Efectuada ceremonia de encendida de antorcha de la IX Competencia Internacional de Artes Marciales
Otorgada Orden de Amistad de la RPDC a las personalidades extranjeras
Celebran en Corea el Dia Mundial de Donantes de Sangre

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