June 25. 2024 Juche 113
Respected Comrade Kim Jong Un Receives Message of Thanks from Russian President Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin
Kim Tok Hun Sends Message of Sympathy to Russian PM
Greetings to PM of Laos
Greetings to DPRK Premier
Greetings to FM of Laos
Greetings to DPRK FM
Premier Kim Tok Hun Inspects Agricultural Sector in South Hwanghae Province
Lao Embassy Members Visit Chongryu Senior Middle School
White Paper Released by Institute for American Studies of DPRK Foreign Ministry
Women's Union Members Meet to Pledge Revenge on U.S. Imperialists
Agricultural Workers Meet with Victim of U.S. Crime
Youth and Students in DPRK Meet to Vow Revenge
Art Exhibition on Class Education Opened in DPRK
Oratorical Meeting of Workers and Trade Union Members Held in DPRK
Many People of DPRK Visit Class Education Houses
Farmers of Pongrin Farm in DPRK Move into New Houses
Construction of Power Stations Hastened in Kangwon Province
Birthday Spread to Centenarian
Newspapers Call for Keeping up Spirit of Defending Country Displayed in 1950s
Public Candlelight Demonstration Continues in Puppet ROK
Ukrainian Puppets Commit Terrorist Attack against Peaceable Civilians in Russian Territory
Celebration Events Held Abroad

For Spanish-speaking People
Estimado companero Kim Jong Un recibe mensaje de agradecimiento del Presidente ruso
Premier coreano Kim Tok Hun expresa condolencias a su par ruso
Kim Tok Hun felicita a su par lao por 50 anos de relaciones diplomaticas
Kim Tok Hun recibe felicitaciones de su homologo lao
Choe Son Hui felicita a su homologo lao por 50 anos de lazos diplomaticos
Choe Son Hui recibe felicitaciones de su par lao
Kim Tok Hun supervisa el sector agricola de la provincia de Hwanghae del Sur
Publica carta blanca el Instituto para Asuntos Norteamericanos del MINREX de la RPDC

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