calendar>>June 4. 2024 Juche 113
Mining Machine Industry Concentrates on Production of Equipment for Coal Industry
Pyongyang, June 4 (KCNA) -- Officials and workers in the mining machine industry of the DPRK put spurs to the production of various kinds of equipment for the coal industrial sector.

The Ranam Coal-mining Machine Factory has sped up the production of a 300 hp winch and the Anju Pump Factory is pushing ahead with the production of pumps necessary for establishing the drainage system at coal faces.

The Jonchon Rock Drill Factory has striven to produce drills for the coal industry.

The Tongrim Mining Machine Factory has produced winches with a high capacity and various speed reducers.

Other units in the mining machine industry, too, are redoubling their efforts to produce more quality equipment for the coal industry.

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