June 4. 2024 Juche 113
Choe Ryong Hae Inspects Sectors of S. Hwanghae and N. Phyongan Provinces
Russian Youth Friendship Delegation Arrives Here
Participants in Celebrations of 78th KCU Birthday Arrive Here
Floral Tribute Paid to Statues of Great Leaders
New Houses Built in Changsong County of DPRK
Many People Visit Monument to Victorious Battle of Pochonbo
Cement Production Increases in DPRK
Iron and Steel Production Increases in DPRK
Amino-Acid Microelement Compound Nutrient Solution Developed
Many Hectares of Land Realigned in Spring
Mining Machine Industry Concentrates on Production of Equipment for Coal Industry
Rodong Sinmun Praises WPK for Realizing Long-cherished Desire of People
Public Candlelight Demonstration Launched in Puppet ROK

For Spanish-speaking People
Choe Ryong Hae supervisa las labores de varias ramas de Hwanghae de Sur y Phyong-an de Norte
Llega la delegacion de amistad de jovenes rusos
Llegan a Pyongyang los participantes en actos festivos por 78 anos de la ONC
Se construyen nuevas viviendas en la Granja Ganadera de Okpho

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