July 5. 2024 Juche 113
Vietnamese Delegation Returns
Floral Tribute Paid to Great Leaders of DPRK
Meeting Held to Hear Stories about President Kim Il Sung's Great Virtues
DPRK Women Commemorate Anniversary of Demise of President Kim Il Sung
Moving into New Houses Continues at Farms of DPRK
Another Schoolchildren's Footwear Factory Built in DPRK
Sci-tech Presentation in Hydro-meteorology and Marine Science
Vol. 61 of "Complete Collection of Kim Jong Il's Works" Published
Young People in South Phyongan Province Volunteer to Work at Major Worksites
Educational Contents and Methods Improved at Secondary Schools in DPRK
First Half-yearly Plan for Mineral Production Carried out
Successes Made in Key Industries of DPRK
Fatherland Liberation War Was Confrontation between Progressive and Reactionary Forces: Rodong Sinmun

For Spanish-speaking People
Regresa la delegacion de Ministerio de Seguridad Publica de Vietnam
Obreros y gremiales coreanos recuerdan al Presidente Kim Il Sung
Tienen lugar mudanzas a nuevas viviendas en las granjas de Sanbuk y Munyang
Inaugurada la Fabrica de Calzados Escolares de Hyesan

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