August 22. 2024 Juche 113
Greetings to Respected Comrade Kim Jong Un from Ugandan President
Nicaraguan Ambassador Visits War Museum
National Sci-tech Presentation in Field of Pharmaceutical Industry Held in DPRK
National Sci-tech Presentation in Field of Educational Information Held in DPRK
Motivation Work Brisk in Flood-hit Areas
Construction of Football School and Air Club Hastened in South Hamgyong Province
Solar Radiation Intensity Measuring Instrument Developed in DPRK
Industrial Establishments in DPRK Strives to Implement Second Half-yearly Quotas
Machine-building Industry of DPRK Makes Achievements in Sci-tech Development
Efforts Concentrated on Grass-cutting Campaign in South Hwanghae Province
Farm Machines Conveyed to Ogye Farm
Rodong Sinmun Calls Upon Officials to Become Pioneers of Good Virtues and Traits

For Spanish-speaking People
Estimado compañero Kim Jong Un recibe mensaje de felicitación del Presidente ugandés
Embajador nicaragüense visita el Museo Conmemorativo de la Victoria en la Guerra de Liberación de la Patria
Tiene lugar la presentación nacional del sector de industria farmacéutica
Se construyen la escuela de fútbol y club de aeronáutica en provincia de Hamgyong del Sur

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