August 28. 2024 Juche 113
Respected Comrade Kim Jong Un Oversees Test-fire of 240mm-calibre MRLS
Respected Comrade Kim Jong Un Receives Greetings from Egyptian President
DPRK Premier Meets Russian Delegation
Talks between Senior Economic Officials of DPRK and Russia Held
Mongolian Delegation Arrives in Pyongyang
Art Performance Given to Celebrate Youth Day
Youth League Officials Visit Youth Movement Museum
National Schoolchildren Brass Band Contest Held
Youth Day Celebrated
Home-visiting Group of Koreans in Japan Arrives in Pyongyang
Home-visiting Group of Koreans in Japan Pays Tribute to Great Leaders
DPRK Players Prove Successful at 10th Asian Taekwon-Do Championship
New Houses Built in Sohung County
DPRK Youths Make Collective Innovation at Major Worksites of Socialist Construction
Efforts Directed to Manuring and Cultivating Crops
Successes Witnessed at Sangwon Cement Complex
Increased Production of Apatite Concentrate
Juche-based Navy of DPRK Greeting Its Golden Age under Leadership of Great Brilliant Commander
Jonwi Street in DPRK
Biosphere Sanctuary of Mt Kuwol

For Spanish-speaking People
Estimado companero Kim Jong Un presencia lanzamiento de prueba del sistema de lanzacohetes de calibre 240mm
Estimado companero Kim Jong Un recibe congratulacion de Abdel Fattah al-Sisi
Kim Tok Hun se reune con miembros principales de la delegacion rusa
Tienen lugar conversaciones entre Yun Jong Ho y Roman Chekushov

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