calendar>>August 28. 2024 Juche 113
Youth Day Celebrated
Pyongyang, August 28 (KCNA) -- Leading newspapers of the DPRK on Wednesday dedicate editorials and articles to the Youth Day.

Rodong Sinmun in an editorial says that the Youth Day this year is a more significant holiday as it is greeted in the stirring environment where the spirit and enthusiasm of the young people to write another new heroic biography in the course of the development of the Korean youth movement shining with great succession and feats are shaking the whole country.

The large contingent of heroic youths, patriotic young people who have grown up under the flag of the Workers' Party and in the blizzards of Paektu, are now fully displaying their revolutionary, patriotic and fighting enthusiasm and devoting their precious youth to the implementation of the Party's plan, regarding it as their ideal, the editorial says, and goes on:

If the Party wishes, the large contingent of young people rebuilt the railways in the northern mountainous areas and constructed the power station and the new street with the mettle of patriotic youth. It is a strong support for the Party at any time and a powerful force displaying tremendous strength when the country is in difficulties and a vanguard unit of socialist construction which the Party always believes and puts forward.

It is none other than our young scientists and technicians to stand in the van of the struggle for further bolstering up the strongest national defence capability, and the patriotic young people to play the role of vanguard and shock brigade at the major worksites of socialist construction with ceaseless creation and innovation.

The young people's enterprise and courage have added vitality and stir to our society, their sweat and efforts increased the wealth of our state and people and their youthful strength and matchless courage further accelerated the advance of our revolution.

Amid the full display of their strong spirit, extraordinary enthusiasm, brave mettle and indomitable devotion, precious successes are being made one after another to push forward the comprehensive development of our state.

Our Party and state, which are leading the large contingent of patriotic youths absolutely faithful to the cause of the Party and ready to respond without hesitation to the call of the country, will never flinch from any goal and will always win victory without frustration in any adversity.

Minju Joson in an article says that the Korean youth movement will always advance straight forward dynamically, and the new century of Juche will record a shining history of the youth power full of youthful spirit and enthusiasm thanks to the respected Comrade Kim Jong Un's outstanding idea of valuing the youth and leadership.

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