October 8. 2024 Juche 113
Respected Comrade Kim Jong Un Sends Greetings to Russian President
Respected Comrade Kim Jong Un Pays Congratulatory Visit to Kim Jong Un University of National Defence
Speech at Congratulatory Visit to Kim Jong Un University of National Defence
Nampho Municipal Revolutionary Museum Visited by Many People in DPRK
Innovation Made at Sariwon Textile Mill in DPRK
Increased Greenhouse Vegetable Production in DPRK
Invincible Workers' Party of Korea Guided by Great Leader
Truth behind Murder of Empress Myongsong

For Spanish-speaking People
Estimado compañero Kim Jong Un envía mensaje de felicitación al Presidente ruso
Estimado compañero Kim Jong Un visita la Universidad de Defensa Nacional Kim Jong Un que cumple el aniversario 60 de su fundación
Discurso pronunciado por el estimado compañero Kim Jong Un en su visita de felicitación a la Universidad de Defensa Nacional Kim Jong Un

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