December 5. 2008 Juche 97
Greetings to Thai King
Greetings to Bulgarian PM
Greetings to Bulgarian FM
Day of Revolutionary Armed Forces of Cuba Observed
Korea, Eastern Country of Good Manners
Highly Medicinal Korean Kimchi
Japanese Imperialists' Crime in Plundering Cultural Remains
Ri Hoe Chang Accused of Inciting Inter-Korean Confrontation
Imperialists' Strategy for World Domination Bound to Go Bust
Lee Myung Bak Group Assailed for Evading Responsibility for Deteriorated Inter-Korean Relations
Actions for Abolition of NSL Staged in S. Korea
Lee Myung Bak Urged to Step Down
Japan's Document on Tok Islet Discovered
Ecuadorian National Preparatory Committee Formed
Kim Il Sung's Work Published in Barbados

For Spanish-speaking People
Ecuador: comite preparatorio por efemerides coreanas de 2009
Agregado militar cubano ofrece banquete por efemeride cubana
Hallado archivo de Japon sobre la pertenencia de isla Tok a Corea
Minju Joson refuta criticas de Lee Myung Bak a justa medida de RPDC

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