January 23. 2010 Juche 99
Kim Jong Il Inspects Flour-Processing Combine and Foodstuff Factory
Kim Jong Il Inspects Court and Central Court Building
Victory Won with Grit of Brilliant Commanders
Adherence to Spirit of "By Our Nation Itself" Called for
Vigorous Struggle against Dominationism Urged
Puppet Police Seizure and Search Operation Denounced
DPRK's Proposal for Peace Supported in Peru
Reading Sessions on Joint New Year Editorial Held
Joint New Year Editorial Introduced
Kim Jong Il's Birthday to Be Celebrated by Koreans in Russia
DPRK Holidays to Be Commemorated in Nigeria

For Spanish-speaking People
Kim Jong Il ve funcion del Conjunto Nacional de Arte Tradicional
Tienen lugar oficios religiosos por efemeride de Buda
Rodong Sinmun ratifica vigencia del ideal comun de la nacion coreana
Rodong Sinmun subraya necesidad de la lucha contra el dominacionismo

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