June 2. 2024 Juche 113
Ceremony Held to Open WPK Central Cadres Training School
Press Statement by Vice-Minister of National Defence of DPRK
International Children's Day Celebrated in DPRK
International Children's Day Marked by Children with Disability in DPRK
Cement Production Units Complete National Economic Plans for May
Pyongyang Bearing Factory Carries out Its First Half-yearly Plan
Work for Strengthening Technical Forces Promoted in DPRK
Agricultural Workers at Kochang Vegetable Farm in DPRK Move into New Houses
Information and Motivation Activities Brisk in Jagang Province of DPRK
Construction and Updating of Wheat Processing Factories Brisk in DPRK
Kangso Mineral Water Factory
Rodong Sinmun on Current Expansion of Military Blocs for Aggression

For Spanish-speaking People
Tiene lugar con solemnidad la ceremonia de inicio de nuevo curso de la Escuela Central de Cuadros del PTC
Declaracion del viceministro de Defensa Nacional de la RPDC, Kim Kang Il
Ninos coreanos celebran el Dia Internacional de la Infancia
Ninos discapacitados celebran el Dia Internacional de la Infancia
Ampliacion de bloques militares agresivos amenaza la paz mundial: Rodong Sinmun

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