July 6. 2024 Juche 113
Symposium of Social Scientists Held in DPRK
Meeting of Agricultural Workers Held in DPRK
Meeting of Youth and Students Held in DPRK
New Houses Built in South Hamgyong Province of DPRK
Sci-tech Presentation and Seminar Held in DPRK
Innovations Made at Kim Chaek Iron and Steel Complex
Material and Technical Foundations Strengthened at Fishery Units
Weeding of Paddy and Dry Fields Brisk in Countryside of DPRK
Plastering Contest Held at Housing Construction Site in Pyongyang
7th Memory Contest of University Students in Teacher Training Sector Held
Signal Successes Witnessed in Economic Sectors of DPRK
Building of Self-Supporting National Economy in DPRK
Rodong Sinmun Calls for Leading Upturn of Socialist Construction to Uninterrupted Innovations and Successive Leaps Forward
Rodong Sinmun Condemns U.S.-Japan-ROK Military Alliance as Product of U.S. Strategy for Hegemony
Floral Baskets to Great Leaders of DPRK from Abroad
President Kim Il Sung Praised by Foreign Figures

For Spanish-speaking People
Efectuado seminario de ciencias sociales por el 8 de julio
Jovenes coreanos recuerdan al Presidente Kim Il Sung
Mudanzas a nuevas viviendas en granjas de Unsol y Sadong del distrito de Rakwon
Rodong Sinmun califica alianza militar tripartita de producto de la estrategia hegemonica de EE.UU.

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