July 7. 2024 Juche 113
Congratulatory Message to Egyptian FM
Cambodian King and Great Queen Send Large Floral Baskets to DPRK Embassy
Seminar on President Kim Il Sung's Exploits Held in China
Floral Baskets to Statues of Great Leaders from Overseas Compatriots
Floral Baskets to Statues of Great Leaders from Abroad
DPRK Player Proves Successful at Int'l Sports Games
New Houses Built in South Phyongan Province of DPRK
Youths Vow to Devote Themselves for Regional Development
Brisk Campaign for Improving Land Environment
Innovation Made in Railway Transpor
Efforts Made for Increased Coal Production
Information Campaign through Publications Intensified in DPRK
President Kim Il Sung, Father of Socialist Korea
President Kim Il Sung, People's Leader
President Kim Il Sung Always Lives in Hearts of People: Rodong Sinmun
Sycophancy toward U.S. Brings Misfortune

For Spanish-speaking People
Canciller coreana envia mensaje de felicitacion a su homologo egipcio
Rey y gran reina de Camboya envian cestos de flores a la embajada coreana
Jugadora coreana obtiene medalla de oro en competencia internacional
Desgracia inevitable causada por la sumision a Estados Unidos

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