July 12. 2024 Juche 113
Chinese Embassy Here Hosts Reception
Credentials of Nicaraguan Ambassador to DPRK Presented
New Houses Built in Rural Villages of North Phyongan Province
Good-conduct Movement Brisk among Women's Union Organizations
Modernization Project Hastened at Chollima Steel Complex
Active Struggle for Implementing WPK's Policy on Regional Development
Successes Made at Industrial Establishments of DPRK
Coal Production Increased
All-people Patriotic Movements
Anniversary of Demise of President Kim Il Sung Commemorated Abroad

For Spanish-speaking People
Embajada china en la RPDC ofrece banquete por el dia de firma del tratado RPDC-RPCh
Choe Ryong Hae recibe cartas credenciales del nuevo embajador nicaraguense
Tiene lugar mudanza a nuevas viviendas en la Granja de Wonum

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