February 13. 2010
Juche 99
Kim Jong Il's Birthday >>
Gift from Syrian DM
Reception Given for Military Attaches
Reception Given at DPRK Embassy in Beijing
Floral Baskets from Juche Idea Studies
Floral Basket from Korean in Russia
Performance Given by Youth Art Squad
Koreans in Japan Gives Performance in Pyongyang
Documentary Film Screened
Paektusan Secret Camp Visited by Many People
Korean Children Receive Leader's Birthday Presents
1,700 Rare Animals Sent as Gifts
Egyptian Figure Songun Praises Kim Jong Il
Kim Jong Il's Birthday Observed in Russia
FM Spokesman on Its Delegation's China Visit
Pyongyangites Meet to Vow to Implement Joint Calls
Figure Skaters Here
Unity under Banner of Independence Called for
Indian Figure Meets DPRK Ambassador
Korean People's Just Cause Supported by Mexican
Kim Jong Il's Work Published in Ukraine
Spanish-speaking People
Kim Jong Il recibe felicitaciones de ministro siriaco de Defensa Nacional
MINREX informa visita a China de su delegacion
MINFAP ofrece banquete en honor de Cuerpo de Agregados Militares
Capitalinos se deciden a materializar consignas conjuntas del partido
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